A card game where players capture the essence of Tel Aviv, racing to collect all four identity cards to win the apartment of Mrs. Klitzenschmitz.
Late 2022 • Game Design • Card Game • Illustrator • Photoshop
Mrs. Klitzenschmitz from the penthouse has passed away.
She was born and lived in Tel Aviv all her life and knows the city and the population well. The lady left behind a letter of inheritance, which her lawyer presented to the other tenants in the building. In the letter it was said that the very equal apartment would be given to the most "Tel Avivian" tenant in her eyes.

The Quartets
There are 4 types of quartets. Each player must collect 1 of each quartet (not including the special card) to win the game!
Type of Milks
Type of Plants
Type of Dogs
Type of Mobility

Action Cards
Small Bill card -
buy's the Attorney's Approval card
A Friendly Neighbor card can take a Milk card from any player
- stopped by Regular Milk card.
The Landlord card can make any player get rid or their cards
- stopped by Big Bill card.
The Broker card can take any card from other players
- stopped by The Landlord card
The A/C Leak card causes the next player in turn to be skipped and is unstoppable.

Instructions Card